Convention centre
Discover a great Convention Centre on the hotel premises.
Huelva Convention Center has an area of 4.000m² multifunctional spaces for events and maximum capacity of 3.500 people; it has 2 plenary meeting rooms of 1.000m² with a 6m-high ceiling, as well as 22 conference rooms with different capacities, most of them with natural light, and which also can be sub-partitioned (32-35m²) into as many rooms as necessary.
The possibilities of our Convention Centre are almost endless, being designed for holding large events offering all the amenities and services needed to hold your full congress or convention. As it is located in the central building of the complex, separate from the rooms, it is independent from the rest of the hotel.
Our extensive experience in managing large meetings and logistics guarantees the perfect organisation of any congress or convention.
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